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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The 3 Days Being Shinhwa Lee Minwoo’s Translator


A translator's perspective

The 3 Days Being Lee Minwoo’s Translator

Original Chinese Article Credit: LASTLOVEMIN &猫家小蜜蜂@Baidu.com
Chinese Translation to English: Serena@Shinhwajj.com (THANK YOU ^^) 
(@Minsera twitter)
Image credits: Shinhwachangjo.net + shinhwa.biz + lastlovemin + baidu + sina + soompi + minwoo.com + shinhwajj.com + minwooforums + on pics

Initially, I just wanted to indulge in the happiness of the 3 days with him alone, but I feel that I would like to let those who love him and those who misunderstood him to know more about him and what kind of person is he. Hence, I write and share my real experience with the mind of bringing “justice” and fairness.

韩中大型演唱会…这是一个对烟台来说比较重大的晚会...也会有很多韩国明星前来助阵。所以在这之前我们小组开会,然而最让我不敢想象的是,我竟然要做李玟雨的3天翻译,4.28早晨开会的时候,组长还特别找过我跟我说玟雨是这次来的明星当中要求最苛刻的一个。水要喝依云,吃饭也要有他来选,房间也要事先看好才可以,所以如果对我不满意,我就要马上拿行李走人。= =(现在想想摆明是在吓我的嘛!)我的压力突然间变的好大。难道我要连行李都没有收拾,就要开始准备回家的事吗!(我不是烟台人)紧张中。。。时间一点一点过去马上就到他来的时间拉。组长分给我一部手机,好方便联系,下午2:30,电话响。。他下飞机了,,我的心脏要跳出来了….这时宾馆大厅里已被玟雨的粉丝占领了。说实话她们在我更紧张。。电话又响了,玟雨还有10分钟就到!!
April 29th is a very special day… thinking back to that day still makes my heart beats really fast…
Korea/China concert…. This is actually considered as quite a big scale event in YanTai…. There will be lots of Korea celebrities participating in this event too. With that, our little team held a meeting. The most unbelievable thing for me is that I have to be the translator of Lee MinWoo for 3 days. April 28th, during the early morning meeting, team leader specially came to talk to me and told me among the Korean celebrities, MinWoo 1 is of the 1 that has the most strict and high expectations. Drinking water must be of a particular brand, meals must also be chosen by him, hotel room that he stays in must also be checked and approved by him. If he is not happy with me and my performance, I would have to pack my luggage and leave immediately. (Coming to think of it now, it’s more like to just frighten me off!) The pressure suddenly became so big on me. Don't tell me that I dun even have a chance to unpack, I would have to get ready to go home?! (I do not stay in YanTai) Really nervous…. As time passes, the time for his arrival is getting nearer. Team leader gave me a mobile phone, to aid on reaching me easily. Afternoon 2:30pm, the phone rang…. He has arrived…. My heart seems to be beating so fast that it’s going to jump out…. At that time, hotel lobby is also packed with MinWoo’s fans. To be honest, I think they are much more nervous than I am… the phone rang again… 10 more minutes and MinWoo will arrive!!

天啊我该怎么办,呵呵..当时很想逃走,因为组长的话始终让我很紧张,玟雨真的那么苛刻吗?真的很难接触吗?疑惑??就在这时来电话了。。他到了。当时已经没有什么思想了,就直接跑了出去,还有一帮粉丝的尖叫声,当我从人群中挤到他面前的时候,看到他的第一眼,竟然不像想象中那么威严,只是感觉很乖乖的样子。。。和他一起从粉丝群里穿过,但是他还是用他那甜甜的微笑回应大家,心里在想:还可以。。不象那种耍大牌的人,进了电梯,我跟他打了招呼,“你好我是这次担当翻译的**,很高兴能为你工作,”他看了我一眼对我笑笑说,很高兴和你合作。!!!天啊,完全和我想的不一样。。好和蔼啊!真是恨死组长拉,害我紧张了一天,,到了房间。问我有水吗! 一定是笑渴啦^ ^,我去拿,他还对我笑笑说谢谢。有麻烦我的时候会叫我。。虽然这是礼貌上的话,但足以看出他的为人。
Goodness, what am I going to do?! At that point, I really wish to just run away, recalling what team leader had told me made me even more nervous. Is MinWoo really that strict? Is he really that hard to get along? Lots of doubts... Just at that moment, a phone call came again. He has arrived. At that time, my mind almost went to zero thoughts, just ran straight to his direction, fans screaming, I made my way and squeezed thru to him. The 1st eye contact I had with him, I realize he did not look as stern as I imagined, he gave me the feeling of a good person instead…. Together with him, we squeezed thru the fans. He still maintained his sweet smile in return for his fans. In my heart I was thinking: still alright… he doesn’t seem like those that like to put up a big super star attitude.

Minwoo arriving in Beijing (Not same trip as article, but just so you can get the overall atmosphere. A bit chaotic...feel sorry for security since minu's been to China so many times this past year :sweatingbullets:)
As we entered the lift, I greeted him, “Nice to meet you, I would be your translator, delighted to work with you.” He looked at me, smilingly said, glad to work with you. Goodness!! It’s totally different from what I have imagined. So friendly! Really hated my team leader, make me worried for 1 full day. When we reached his room, he asked me if there’s water. Must be thirsty after all that smiling ^_^ so I went to get him his water, and he return he smiled and said thank you to me. Then he said if there’s anything that needs my help, he would call for me again. Although that is said out of courtesy, but from there one can see how this person is.
At night, he was actually too tired and did not want to have dinner, but heard that fans were all waiting for him at the appointed restaurant, he still went. I guess he knew very well that if he did not go, his fans would be very disappointed. It’s really hard on you ah, MinWoo.

Caps from this clip:
(not the same trip to China as in the article, but you see him arrive, go to hotel, interviews, shows, eating, etc)
When we reach there, true enough, there were lots of fans waiting. He went to the 2nd floor to have dinner. He ate for almost one hour or so!! What dinner? I thought he ate a lot, but back at the hotel, then got to know he did not eat much at all. It’s only after the event that I heard that because of the situation at the restaurant, he did not eat much. In addition, all the rest there was at the dinner were all drinking, but MinWoo do not like to drink, he did not drink any too. So… sigh… really poor thing. Back to the hotel, he happily opened up the food stuffs that fans gave him and started eating. Like a child, while eating, he went on saying this is nice, that is tasty, and this is not bad too. With that, one day ended.

Minwoo Returning to the Hotel (04/28)

On the morning of April 29th (2nd day) I woke him up for breakfast, but he said he will skip. He looked really tired.


So I ended up having breakfast with MinWoo’s boss. This boss was really nice too, different from the Korean people that I have met in the past. It came as quite surprising to me; he was quite the same as MinWoo. This made me, a nobody felt gratified. He told me quite a bit about MinWoo, said he was a good person, and often well liked too. I guess this without me saying, all of you fan out there will know too! He he

No boss, but Minwoo and his manager 

下午去彩牌的路上,因为一大群粉丝在追车,在车上一直问我这些粉丝闯红灯没有事吗?会不会很危险?会不会被抓?看的出他是真的很关心大家..这点让我很感动..还让我们的司机开慢一点。。可那个司机真是对他没话说,不听我们的话。。我们说什么也不答理我们。还向玟雨要签名,说以后给他还不高兴,说为什么现在不行,真是的,丢中国人的脸…..气死我拉。这里有一个小故事,他说中国粉丝都很年轻哦。说都很可爱,比日本的好多了…呵呵…高兴吧…还有上车坐位置的时候,还主动要做在靠窗的,是想让大家能更好的看到他吧!不过夹在他和那个有点胖的社长中间真是很挤阿。途中社长还说,我们两靠后点,能让歌迷拍照,害的我们两被玟雨笑~~~~~ 彩排完后在回宾馆的路上,看见你们说,“她们真是应该比我们更辛苦吧!”呵呵~
In the afternoon, on the journey to rehearsal, there was a big group of fans chasing our car. Inside the car, MinWoo kept asking me if it’s ok that the fans dashed pass the red lights. Will it be dangerous? Will they be caught for it? Can really see that he really cared for everyone… this made me felt really touched… he even asked the driver to drive slower, but that driver totally ignored him and ignored our request… After which, he even tried to ask for a signature from MinWoo. When told him that we will give it to him later, he wasn’t happy and grumbled why not cannot?! Really?! A behavior like that is such a disgrace to China people…. so angry with him!

There’s also a side story, MinWoo also said that China fans are all very young. Said they were all very cute… he he… should be very happy right…. Besides that, when we boarded the car, he automatically asked to be seated next to the window, just to let the fans be able to see him better I suppose. But sandwich in between him and his slightly plump boss, really is kind of too squeeze. During the journey, his boss even said that together with him, both of us should lean towards the back, so that the fans could take pictures. With that, MinWoo laughed at us~~~ after the rehearsal, on the journey back, MinWoo looked at the fans and said, “They should be more tired that I am!” hohoho

Minwoo Rehearsing (04/29)

回到宾馆后就接到体育场来的电话,说伴舞没有饭吃,他又开始担心了。伴舞怎么能没有饭吃。就拜托我带点吃的,后来就带了肯德鸡,这才放心。晚上他也吃的这个,我们晚上7点出发到了体育场,先是问伴舞吃没吃饭?好亲切哦,怪不得那些伴舞愿为他吃苦耐劳拉。。演出之前还为了给中国粉丝惊喜问了我好多中国话,但是跟我学的一个也没有说。在回去的车上,很不好意思的说:“呵呵。你教我的全忘拉!”= =真是的。。还在怪自己记忆力不好,说中文很难学,还在车上模仿周润发在上海滩的样子。虽然说的是一个都听不懂,他还很满意的问我,是不是说的还可以。我和他的老板互相传了个眼神一起摇摇头,他马上做出可爱的眼神说,不象吗??我觉得挺不错的啊。。呵呵。。真是可爱的要命。晚上回去饿的不行。就吃了日本料理,吃了很多。还装很会日语结果没有2句就放弃了。。搞的我们都捧腹大笑。他在没有镜头没有粉丝的时间里就是这样。一个平淡又很实在的男孩子,可能在别人注视的时候有所防备,不由得做出酷酷的样子,但是平常的时候和经纪人说说这个看看那个,其实就是一个对什么充满好奇,什么都想尝试的老小孩儿而已。
Right as we reached back to the hotel, we received a phone call from the stadium, and said that the dancers still haven't eaten. He started to worry. How can the dancers not have lunch? He then asked me to buy some food back. So I went off to get some Kentucky chicken, then he felt slightly relieved. For dinner, he had Kentucky chicken too. We set off for the stadium at 7pm; he 1st asked if the dancer had eaten yet? So caring. No wonder the dancers are all willing to work hard with him… before the performance, he even asked me quite a few Chinese in order to surprise the China fans, but in the end, those that he learned from me, he did not even say a single 1.

Minwoo and his dancers (STANDBY)
The following clip is of him introducing band and dance team at his first concert...a little dance demo:
On the journey back inside the car, he guilty said: “hehe.. those that you have taught me, I forgotten all of them!” he even blamed himself for having poor memory, said Chinese is hard to learn, and he even started to imitate the look of Chow Yun Fatt in “shanghai tang”(an old Hong Kong movie).

Although whatever he said, I could not understand a single sentence, he was still quite satisfied with himself and asked me if his imitation was good enough? I and his boss exchanged a look and both of us just shook our heads. With that, he immediately gave a cute expression and asked, really dun look like him? I thought it was not too bad… hehe… he was simply sooo cute. At night after the show, he was really hungry. He had Japanese food, ate a lot. He even pretended that he speaks good Japanese, but after not even 2 sentences, he gave up….


This made everyone laughed. Off from the camera, without any fans, he is just like that. A very simple and down-to-earth kind of guy. Maybe under the eyes of many, then he would have some sort of guard, have to put up a cool cool look. But during normal times, with he manager, he will talk about this, look around at that, in actual fact, he is just like old little boy that is curious about everything, interested to give a try to everything.
On the 3rd day, which is the 30th, he has to go back already. Back to his world. This depart, not sure when will I have the chance to meet him again. But really thanks to the chance given this time. Giving me the chance to be able to understand a top star like him yet can be such a simple person. The leaving journey was a pretty rush one, exited from the back door. But he is still very polite and bowed to us and thanks us for our hard work. In actual dace, I really just wish to say thank you to you. Taken such good care of me. The 3 days was the most eventful and unforgettable day in my 20 over year. You let me know what is repayment, how to feel gratified, looking at the back leaving, me heart felt very empty. Did not expect that you seems to have affected some of my thinking. I will learn to be like you, concentrate on doing the things that I like, caring for people around me that love me. In the past, I never understand why fans can because of 1 person; take all the trouble to rush all the way to a certain place to see him. Now I truly understand why. He is really someone that is worth to be liked by everyone, worth to be idolized.
Thinking back to what my team leader had said to me, I slowly felt that Lee MinWoo should not be affected by those untrue reports and get misunderstood by people. What the saying of not a particular brand of water he will not drink; I bought Kentucky chicken, he just ate that too.

Though he has the reserve with it, caring for his weight, hamburger, he only ate the top and the bottom piece of bread. But he did not at any point complain about anything at all; the room he did not picked on anything too; to me, he was very polite. I think for those who really got to meet him will know, will also feel that such negative things about him should not be said. He is just like a big brother, regardless tired, as long as its matters concerning to his fans, he will stand up for it. No matter if there are a lot of obstacles; he will still give his best to try to do it. When he is resting, he seldom smile. But as long as he sees his fans, he will give his smile to everyone. He said his fans are all great, he is afraid to disappoint them, no matter if he is really very very very tired. This is probably the quality that a real star should have. As well, I have heard rumors that he loves to drink. But actually he doesn’t like to drink at all. He said drinking will put on weight, will have fats, so he hates to drink.

Me, writing all these, is just to let everyone knows that he really cared for his fans. He is a person worthy of your love, your care and your protection. Maybe my team leader has heard of some rumors, hence the warnings that were told to me, but these few days with him, I felt he is really a very friendly person. He is already very tired; everyone should give him your care and love. Let him feel that his fans care a lot for him too, let him feel that all that he had given, he had worked hard for, are all not waste of effort... Work hard together, cheer for him…. For his big warm smile and a truly friendly lovable person.
YT link:

As a M fan, I personally don't find any ins or outs between my impression and the translator's first hand experience of Minwoo (though I've never actually heard any rumours in the media saying he has a high-handed manner)...which is always a happy thing for a fan :D He is most alive when performing for his fans...whether on stage, gameshow or just an interview. Otherwise, he just mopes around thinking up new ideas to stun the rest of us or his manager :) Unless the other members are around...then nobody has time to mope around or do anything else for that matter :D He's rarely impulsive or really, really hyper. Most of the time, if you listen carefully, you'll find that he always asks the hosts permission when he does something out of the show's context. But if he does get hyper, he does go a little crazy ^^ Shinhwa says Minwoo's hobby is financial engineering and Jinnie was shocked when Minwoo produced savings to buy his own apartment. And he has a thing about imitating people :sweatingbullets: He uses an electrical blanket to save on gas, he's never brought Junjin a b-day present, you see him mouth the words to almost every song on xman during the old dance segments, he can carry a convo on and on over nothing and everything so that translators almost always have trouble...these random little things make him awesome. I'm sure most of you know that Minu is the 'centre' of Shinhwa, but if you look at it from another angle, isn't it just him putting his every effort into everything, every time, every where? It's diligence, not arrogance, earnest, not ostentatious ^^ Surely, it must be easier to stay silent then to exert your self.



Serena was awesome enough to translate this for us in the threads...
So give her lots of LOVE.