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Monday, May 4, 2009

(Glish Talk) 7th SHCJ Gift VCD Part 1- Read the Interview


Okay, so a little Glish talk about the recently uploaded 7th Shinhwa Changjo Gift VCD Part 1. If you've watched it, there's a part showing Ricjin doing an interview and I just knew I saved it before; it's their 2004 Questionnaire from the Paran blogs. So here it is if you want to read it. The interview was divided between Ricmin(syung)jin XD and Wansyungdy. If you watch the video carefully, you'll see Minwoo getting dressed in the back and answering the questions too.
From the questions you ask the most, we picked a few and interviewed Shinhwa. Now~ everyone fall into the fun ? interview of Shinhwa~

-Paran Shinhwa Blog


Please do not take out without proper credits and please do not change or add to the credits stated below.

1. Member's first impressions?

Minwoo: Dongwannie looked like a roasted chestnut seller. Cuz he had a thimble hat on....
Jinnie looked like a child.. Andy looked like a old-young boy. Kekeke
Eric looked innocent... and Hyesung had Sonic hair so he had the most lasting impression.

Eric & Jun Jin: Good (was what they agreed on; )

2. Snacks and drink you like (or eat often)?

Jun Jin : For snacks, Binch or Oh Potato. Keke For drinks, Plus Minus! [these are all the food brands that Shinhwa modelled for]

Minwoo: I dont really like snacks and like fruit, for drinks, I like green tea.

3. What do you think of the couples ( MinSyung, Ricjin etc) made by the fans?

Its funny in its own way~

4. What do you usually do when you dont have schedules?

Minwoo: Even if I dont have work, I make work. People that rest tend to become lazy and I dont like that.

Eric: Jinnie practices driving.

5. What do you do in the car while travelling places?

Minwoo: I try really hard to ignore the members noisy voices and sleep.
Eric: Jinnie drives.
Jun Jin: Sleep or listen to music

6. What do you do in the waiting rooms (backstage)?

Jun Jin & Eric: We look at the presents or letters given by the fans
Minwoo: Check on the clothes and listen to music

7. Is Eric VS Hyesung true?

Eric: Its fake, we're actually close
Minwoo: Before it was real but now its real. keke joking

8. Member that plays the most (serious) pranks?

Jun Jin: Andy...often Jun Jin.. no Eric... no....everyone!
Minwoo: crazy Andy and crazy Dongwan. Dumb and Dumber. keke

9. Food you like the most?

Jun Jin: Everything
Eric: Living seafood (Jun Jin next to him: Worm!) [erics nickname for worming himself out of everything XD]

Minwoo: Kimchi soup, Kimchi made by my mum

10. Sites you frequently visit?

Jun Jin: news, fancafes, charlie park fancafes
Minwoo: my fan cafes - I'd like to reveal the names but in case other cafe friends get disappointed.. I wont.

11. Habits when you get drunk?

Eric: Jun Jin's are bad
Jin: Eric hyungs are really bad
Minwoo: When I get too drunk I sleep or if I cant stand it, go home.

(Hyesung who suddenly butts in): When I get drunk I call Jun Jin, but everytime I call Jun Jin hes outside. Even when I call in the morning...

12. Amount of alcohol you can drink?

Eric: For Jun Jin one case of Soju [extremely strong Korean alcohol]
Jun Jin: Eric hyung is 2 glasses but he drinks everyday
Minwoo: 3 bottles of soju

(Hyesung who butts in again) I'm one bottle!

13. The most cheap?

Jun Jin: Eric hyung
Eric: Jun Jin
Minwoo: Dongwan

14. The person who gets angry/hurt(like a child) the most? image

Jun Jin: Eric hyung
Eric: Jun Jin
Minwoo: Andy

15. Do you read fanfics?

Jun Jin: theres ones that are fun and some that are kinda too feely
Minwoo: I cant, theyre too embarassing.

16. What do you wear when you sleep?

Minwoo: Just pyjama pants
Jun Jin: Eric hyung wears the eussha eussha clothes
Eric: Jinnie wears Brand New clothes

17. Sleeping habits?

Eric: (Looking at Jinnie) I wish to fix them.
Minwoo: I wrap the blankets around me and toss and turn

18. Older, younger,(women) which do you like better?

Minwoo: Younger
Jun Jin: what difference does age make?
Eric: younger [liar!! he said older in a different interview!!!-0-;;]

19. Waist size?

Eric: 32
Minwoo: 30
Jun Jin: the most slender!

20. The member that (acts cute)/charming the most?

Eric & Jun Jin (both agree on each other)
Minwoo: Eric

21. The most serious member?

Eric & Jun Jin (both agree on each other)
Minwoo: No one

22. The origins of Eric's rap in Shooting Star?

Eric: Its Spanish. Everyone, translate for yourselves

23. Member that cooks the best?
Eric: Eric - Members laugh at him
Minwoo : None other than me!

Source. PARAN
Translated&credits. orenji728 @ SHCJ.CJB.NET


Please do not take out without proper credits and please do not change or add to the credits stated below.

1. The scariest member when he gets mad?
Dongwan, Hyesung, Andy: Minwoo! He is Shinhwa's Choi Minsu (a famous korean actor) ~

2. Sleeping habits?
Dongwan: I don't have any
Hyesung: I wrap the blanket around myself and sleep
Andy: I've been told that I sleep very quietly/peacefully

3. Sites that you visit frequently? Any fansites?
Dongwan: I use search sites to get news and then I visit "Yoenin/Eyes" fansite (DW's fansite)
Andy: I put my name "Andy" on search sites and visit those fansites.
Hyesung: I will visit yoniimal (korea's biggest anti-fan site) sometimes, but most of the time i play games. ke (a kind of smile/laugh)

4. Do you read fanfics, what are your feelings towards them?
Dongwan: I havnt read any lately, but sometimes i will read some. There are some that i like and some that i dont like~

5. How do u take care of ur skin?
Dongwan: Try to sleep as much as i can
Hyesung, Andy: Don't do anything special to take care of it.

6. Who has the best style out of the members?
Dongwan, Andy: Hyesung!
Hyesung: hehe

7. Who is the cutest/childish member?
Dongwan: Andy
Hyesung: Eric
Andy: Me

8. Snacks that u eat alot?
Dongwan: Corn flakes, i eat it from breakfast to dinner
Andy, Hyesung: Dont have a specific snack we eat.

9. Andy's question. Are there any good or bad things to be the youngest?
Andy: There arent good points or bad points.

10. Dongwan's question. Why do u have a scar on ur nose?
Dongwan: I picked my nose too hard so.....nah~~ when i was young i got injured by a knife while i was fighting.

11. What would you do if your popularity dropped?
Dongwan,Hyesung, Andy: Try our best to make it go up again.

12. Drinking habits?
Dongwan: i become tough and i talk alot.
Hyesung: Dongwan is lying, Dongwan becomes very calm after drinking and takes care of the people next to him..
Dongwan: But the next day i don't remember anything
Andy: i talk alot

13. Dongwan's question, is the porn cds thing true?
Dongwan: hahaha it was just a joke~

14. Is it true that Hyesung, Eric are like water like oil?
Dongwan: It's true
Hyesung: It's true
Andy: It's fake

15. What do u think about the couple names, MinSyung, RicJin, WanDy?
Dongwan: i think they are funny
Hyesung: They matched it with our bloodtypes..
Andy: But why do i have to be paired up with old Dongwan hyung.. keke

16. Waist size?
Dongwan: 28 but i gained weight now so i don't know
Andy: 32
Hyesung: 30

17. Member that has an unbalanced diet?
Dongwan: Hyesung
Andy: Minwoo hyung
Hyesung: We all eat well

18. First impressions of the members?
Dongwan: nervous
Andy: the pure and innocent side of them revealed
Hyesung: it's not in my memory

19. What do u do when u dont have a schedule?
Dongwan: i worry about my health
Hyesung: i play games or meet my friends
Andy: i meet my friends and go watch movies, just yesterday i watched 2 movies

20. What do u do in the car?
Dongwan: i close my eyes and think about my future. i never sleep
Hyesung: Sleep
Andy: i listen to the music and talk on the phone..

21. What do u do in the dressing room?
Dongwan: i disturb the other members and take pictures.. the other members say i'm too noisy and say they don't like it but i know they like it
Hyesung: i play with Andy
Andy: The members and i just fool around

22. Which member is the best cook?
Andy: Andy, i'm good at kimchi fried rice and omeurice
Dongwan: Hyesung but Hyesung uses sesame oil in everything

23. What do u wear to sleep?
Andy: My underwear. If it is cold i wear pajamas
Hyesung: Pajamas, sky blue pajamas

Source :: paran blogs
Credits :: `coral@shcj.cjb.net


80slitenite said...

i tried with everything T_T WP, LJ, Google acct

80slitenite said...

OMG IT WORKS FINALLY! but I can only post with Name/url... oh well. (Amz delete these two comments now that i figured it out ;p no thanks to you! i had to figure it out all by myself hmph XP)

80slitenite said...

hahahah thank you so much! so many things to quote from and RicJin =.=;;

Cornflakes is good anytime of the day^^

"Hyesung but Hyesung uses sesame oil in everything" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

crystalis said...

@ Tiff
I dun wanna delete your comments
*sticks out tongue*

I say, "Wannie is good anytime of the day."
must be all that cornflake~~~

I hate how there's no REPLY button on blogger =.=

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